Gay Fashion Ripped Jeans Men Fashion

Had this argument with a friend who claimed skinny jeans are designed for slim guys so how the flut tin it exist gay? I recollect when a guy is skinny he should be wearing regular jeans to mask how skinny he is, y'know to look more than masculine, not article of clothing something that'southward suppose to be a perfect fit still makes yous expect gay. What do you all think? Should slim guys wearable skinny jeans because they're made to fit, or do these article of clothing raise your femininity?

if the back of them are cut out, yes.

to aid you answer your question, i know 4 guys who are gay, and they always ever article of clothing skinny jeans. I've never seen them in anything else. And when i ask them why, they say its because they dont want to look fat

It depends on the guy, as with some information technology tin can make them look more than effeminate (Depending on what else they clothing with them). But I tend to wear slimmer cuts/skinny ones equally I find them more comfortable and less weighty than looser fits and couldn't intendance less.

I don't think skinny jeans generalise the gay society.
While most of my gay friends wear skinny jeans; some straight guy friends of mine wear information technology because they're just that slim. They don't article of clothing information technology at all times though; just when there's nix else to wear.

I won't say they make a guy look gay. What I volition say is, I HATE THEM, the skinny jeans not gay people They practice brand you look skinny every bit hell and y'all look unwell, its not unpleasing and fifty-fifty make you look similar a daughter.

The worst flake about it is I am not a small guy, half-dozen'iv" and very broad, so my legs aren't pocket-size, only every cutting of jeans these days even baggy ones have elements of skinny jeans, none of them practiced. Even other clothes have taken this sort of approach in a way punishing larger people and that is why I hate them.

I want clothes that fit me, I am naturally skinny. If I wore straight cut jeans I'd look like I was wearing clown pants.

And if y'all seriously recall that wearing specific types of generic clothing makes you gay, yous got a lot to learn.

Existence gay has nix to do with your appearance. I do call up skinny jeans on men look slightly effeminate, but I wouldn't assume they're gay because of it.

Hell no! I love a guy in skinny jeans

Skinny jeans make you lot look gay in the same manner that a men's double breasted suit would make a adult female look butch.

I wear skinny jeans and I'm not gay?

Or am I?

Na, joke I'm not.

Only if the jeans are male.

Yes, my teacher used to habiliment them and hes a skinny guy . Anybody thought he was gay

Posted from TSR Mobile

(Original post past Peachz)
I want clothes that fit me, I am naturally skinny. If I wore direct cut jeans I'd look like I was wearing clown pants.

And if you seriously think that wearing specific types of generic article of clothing makes you gay, you got a lot to acquire.

Clown pants is if it's oversized baggy pants. Normal jeans are no where baggy. They but don't stick to your peel perfectly, outlining out skinny you actually are.

You're being naive here. People are very judgemental and I think they'll think you're gay from first impression.

I don't call up so. I recall it looks better when somebody wears something that fits more than closely, rather than something that looks stupidly big on them, especially when the person in question has skinny legs.

I call back they're a modernistic fit; converse to pop stance I'm sure I call up they expect best on muscular guys where you tin see the muscularity enhanced through the fit. On slim guys information technology makes you look a bit too skinny particularly if they simply look like a normal jean, and apparently theyre a big no no on fatty guys.

Im 6'2 and 80kg and I habiliment them normally. I think its my kind of build which is best.

I clothing pretty skinny jeans, and slim fit jeans (which aren't skinny) or regular jeans await pretty bad on me as they're just too baggy it's horrible.
Other than chinos which are usually besides skinny, I haven't seen males wear anything else. It'd be more likely for someone to be laughed at for wearing the 'denim bluish' kicking cut jeans but I don't think anyone always comments on skinny jeans. I always observe TSR'south views on clothing to exist pretty obscure.

straight guy here. i vesture skinny jeans considering i want apparel that will fit me and thus make me look proficient, as opposed to wearing baggy jeans that won't do anything for me.

I though skinny jeans on guys looked a fiddling gay, and I'm bisexual!

Only, the guys that wear them who I know, they are the ones that always get the girls, and so what does that tell y'all!

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